Viktor Musi in catalog of the collective exhibition “Contemporary Art Gallery ‘GALLERY QUINTA DAS CRUZADAS.” 1999. Sintra. Portugal..
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Newspaper “WIESBADENER KURIER.” Germany. 1992.
Article on Viktor Musi – “The light from within”, published August 24, 1992 in Journal “Wiesbadener Kurier” N ° 196/48. Germany.1992.
Atelier Paris.
Atelier Paris.
Journal “Tageblatt.” Grand-Duche de Luxembourg. 2005.
Article sur Viktor Musi – “Viktor Musi expose à Vianden” paru en avril 2005 dans Journal “Tageblatt.” Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. 2005.
Journal “Rheingau Echo.” Allemagne. 1992.
Article sur Viktor Musi -“Peintures de Viktor Musi” paru le 20 aout 1992 dans Journal “Rheingau Echo.” N° 34. Allemagne. 1992.
The Magazine “Night&Day.” Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. 2011.
Article on Retrospective of Viktor Musi “TWENTY-5” published in August 2011 in the Magazine “Night & Day” Review, No. 6. Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. 2011.