Invitation to participate in the “The solemn meeting” – “Academy of Fine Arts” of France.
“The solemn meeting2012″ was held under the famous “Coupole” of the “Institut de France”. meeting2012″
INSTITUT de FRANCE . The “Institut de France” is the name of a French academic institution created October 25, 1795, sitting in the old building Parisian Collège des Quatre-Nations located in the 6th arrondissement of Paris. The institute includes 5 “Academy France”: I – “The French Academy”, II – “The Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres”, III – “Academy of Sciences”, IV -“The Academy of Fine Arts” and V – “The Academy of Moral and Political Sciences”. Many foundations, due to legacy this institution depend on the Institute, bringing together museums, historic buildings, properties in France and abroad.
ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS of FRANCE. “The Academy of Fine Arts” of France was created in 1816. It is the successor to the “Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture” (1648), the “Academy of Music” (1669) and the “Royal Academy of Architecture” (1671). The Academy is divided into VIII sections: I – “Painting”, II -“Sculpture”, III -“Architecture”, IV – “Engraving”,V -“Musical composition”,VI – “Members free”, VII -“Art in Film and Broadcasting” (section created in 1985), VIII -“Photography” (section created in 2005). Among the more famous academicians “Academy of Fine Art” of France : – film director, producer, writer and actor Roman Polanski (Section “Art in Film and Broadcasting”), – fashion designer Pierre Cardin (Section “Free Members”).